












        class Settings(): def __init__(self): “”” 初始化設(shè)置 “”” # 屏幕設(shè)置(寬、高、背景色、線顏色) self.screen_width = 1000 self.screen_height = 484 self.bg_color = (255, 255, 255) # 停車位 self.total = 100 # 識別顏色、車牌號、進來時間、出入場信息 self.ocr_color = (212, 35, 122) self.carnumber = ” self.comeInTime = ” self.message = ”





        import datetimeimport math# 計算兩個日期大小def time_cmp(first_time, second_time): # 由于有效期獲取后會有小數(shù)數(shù)據(jù) firstTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(first_time).split(‘.’)[0], “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”) secondTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(second_time), “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M”) number = 1 if firstTime > secondTime else 0 return number# 計算停車時間四舍五入def priceCalc(inDate, outDate): if ‘.’ in str(inDate): inDate = str(inDate).split(‘.’)[0] inDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(inDate, “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”) print(‘特殊處理’) else: inDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(inDate, “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M”) outDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(outDate), “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M”) rtn = outDate – inDate # 計算停車多少小時(往上取整) y = math.ceil(rtn.total_seconds() / 60 / 60) return y


        import pygame.fontclass Button(): def __init__(self, screen, msg): “””初始化按鈕的屬性””” self.screen = screen self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect() # 設(shè)置按鈕的尺寸和其他屬性 self.width, self.height = 100, 50 self.button_color = (0, 120, 215) self.text_color = (255, 255, 255) self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(‘SimHei’, 25) # 創(chuàng)建按鈕的rect對象,并使其居中 self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height) # 創(chuàng)建按鈕的rect對象,并設(shè)置按鈕中心位置 self.rect.centerx = 640 – self.width / 2 + 2 self.rect.centery = 480 – self.height / 2 + 2 # 按鈕的標(biāo)簽只需創(chuàng)建一次 self.prep_msg(msg) def prep_msg(self, msg): “””將msg渲染為圖像,并使其在按鈕上居中””” self.msg_image = self.font.render(msg, True, self.text_color, self.button_color) self.msg_image_rect = self.msg_image.get_rect() self.msg_image_rect.center = self.rect.center def draw_button(self): # 繪制一個用顏色填充的按鈕,再繪制文本 self.screen.fill(self.button_color, self.rect) self.screen.blit(self.msg_image, self.msg_image_rect)


        import pygame.font# 線顏色line_color = (0, 0, 0)# 顯示文字信息時使用的字體設(shè)置text_color = (0, 0, 0)def draw_bg(screen): # 背景文圖案 bgfont = pygame.font.SysFont(‘SimHei’, 15) # 繪制橫線 pygame.draw.aaline(screen, line_color, (662, 30), (980, 30), 1) # 渲染為圖片 text_image = bgfont.render(‘識別信息:’, True, text_color) # 獲取文字圖像位置 text_rect = text_image.get_rect() # 設(shè)置文字圖像中心點 text_rect.left = 660 text_rect.top = 370 # 繪制內(nèi)容 screen.blit(text_image, text_rect)# 繪制文字(text-文字內(nèi)容、xpos-x坐標(biāo)、ypos-y坐標(biāo)、fontSize-字體大?。ヾef draw_text(screen, text, xpos, ypos, fontsize, tc=text_color): # 使用系統(tǒng)字體 xtfont = pygame.font.SysFont(‘SimHei’, fontsize) text_image = xtfont.render(text, True, tc) # 獲取文字圖像位置 text_rect = text_image.get_rect() # 設(shè)置文字圖像中心點 text_rect.left = xpos text_rect.top = ypos # 繪制內(nèi)容 screen.blit(text_image, text_rect)



        from aip import AipOcrimport os# 百度識別車牌# 申請地址 https://login.bce.baidu.com/filename = ‘file/key.txt’ # 記錄申請的Key的文件位置if os.path.exists(filename): # 判斷文件是否存在 with open(filename, “r”) as file: # 打開文件 dictkey = eval(file.readlines()[0]) # 讀取全部內(nèi)容轉(zhuǎn)換為字典 # 以下獲取的三個Key是進入百度AI開放平臺的控制臺的應(yīng)用列表里創(chuàng)建應(yīng)用得來的 APP_ID = dictkey[‘APP_ID’] # 獲取申請的APIID API_KEY = dictkey[‘API_KEY’] # 獲取申請的APIKEY SECRET_KEY = dictkey[‘SECRET_KEY’] # 獲取申請的SECRETKEYelse: print(“請先在file目錄下創(chuàng)建key.txt,并且寫入申請的Key!格式如下:” “{‘APP_ID’:’申請的APIID’, ‘API_KEY’:’申請的APIKEY’, ‘SECRET_KEY’:’申請的SECRETKEY’}”)# 初始化AipOcr對象client = AipOcr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)# 讀取文件def get_file_content(filePath): with open(filePath, ‘rb’) as fp: return fp.read()# 根據(jù)圖片返回車牌號def getcn(): # 讀取圖片 image = get_file_content(‘images/test.jpg’) # 調(diào)用車牌識別 results = client.licensePlate(image)[‘words_result’][‘number’] # 輸出車牌號 return results


        里面比較復(fù)雜的就是點擊“識別”按鈕后的邏輯處理(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):





        import sysimport pygameimport timeimport pandas as pdimport ocrutilimport timeutil# 事件def check_events(settings, recognition_button, ownerInfo_table, carInfo_table, history_table, path): “”” 響應(yīng)按鍵和鼠標(biāo)事件 “”” for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() button_clicked = recognition_button.rect.collidepoint(mouse_x, mouse_y) if button_clicked: try: # 獲取車牌 carnumber = ocrutil.getcn() # 轉(zhuǎn)換當(dāng)前時間 2018-12-11 16:18 localtime = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M’, time.localtime()) settings.carnumber = ‘車牌號碼:’ + carnumber # 判斷進入車輛是否業(yè)主車輛 # 獲取業(yè)主車輛信息(只顯示卡未過期) ownerInfo_table = ownerInfo_table[ownerInfo_table[‘validityDate’] > localtime] owner_carnumbers = ownerInfo_table[[‘carnumber’, ‘validityDate’]].values carnumbers = ownerInfo_table[‘carnumber’].values # 獲取車輛表信息 carInfo_carnumbers = carInfo_table[[‘carnumber’, ‘inDate’, ‘isOwner’, ‘validityDate’]].values cars = carInfo_table[‘carnumber’].values # 增加車輛信息 append_carInfo = { ‘carnumber’: carnumber } # 增加歷史信息 append_history = { ‘carnumber’: carnumber } carInfo_length = len(carInfo_carnumbers) # 車輛表未有數(shù)據(jù) if carInfo_length == 0: print(‘未有車輛數(shù)據(jù)入場’) in_park(owner_carnumbers, carnumbers, carInfo_table, append_carInfo, carnumber, localtime, settings, path) # 車輛表有數(shù)據(jù) else: if carnumber in cars: # 出停車場 i = 0 for carInfo_carnumber in carInfo_carnumbers: if carnumber == carInfo_carnumber[0]: if carInfo_carnumber[2] == 1: if timeutil.time_cmp(carInfo_carnumber[3], localtime): print(‘業(yè)主車,自動抬杠’) msgMessage = ‘業(yè)主車,可出停車場’ parkPrice = ‘業(yè)主卡’ else: print(‘業(yè)主車,但卡已過期,收費抬杠’) # 比較卡有效期時間 price = timeutil.priceCalc(carInfo_carnumber[3], localtime) msgMessage = ‘停車費用:’ + str(5 * int(price)) + ‘(提醒業(yè)主,卡已到期)’ parkPrice = 5 * int(price) else: print(‘外來車,收費抬杠’) # 比較入場時間 price = timeutil.priceCalc(carInfo_carnumber[1], localtime) msgMessage = ‘停車費用:’ + str(5 * price) parkPrice = 5 * int(price) print(i) carInfo_table = carInfo_table.drop([i]) # 增加數(shù)據(jù)到歷史表 append_history[‘inDate’] = carInfo_carnumber[1] append_history[‘outData’] = localtime append_history[‘price’] = parkPrice append_history[‘isOwner’] = carInfo_carnumber[2] append_history[‘validityDate’] = carInfo_carnumber[3] history_table = history_table.append(append_history, ignore_index=True) settings.comeInTime = ‘出場時間:’ + localtime settings.message = msgMessage # 更新車輛表和歷史表 pd.DataFrame(carInfo_table).to_excel(path + ‘停車場車輛表’ + ‘.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’, index=False, header=True) pd.DataFrame(history_table).to_excel(path + ‘停車場歷史表’ + ‘.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’, index=False, header=True) break i += 1 else: # 入停車場 print(‘有車輛表數(shù)據(jù)入場’) if carInfo_length < settings.total: in_park(owner_carnumbers, carnumbers, carInfo_table, append_carInfo, carnumber, localtime, settings, path) else: print('停車場已滿') settings.comeInTime = '進場時間:' + localtime settings.message = '停車場已滿,無法進入' except Exception as e: print("錯誤原因:", e) continue pass# 車輛入停車場def in_park(owner_carnumbers, carnumbers, carInfo_table, append_carInfo, carnumber, localtime, settings, path): if carnumber in carnumbers: for owner_carnumber in owner_carnumbers: if carnumber == owner_carnumber[0]: print('業(yè)主車,自動抬杠') msgMessage = '提示信息:業(yè)主車,可入停車場' append_carInfo['isOwner'] = 1 append_carInfo['validityDate'] = owner_carnumber[1] # 退出循環(huán) break else: print('外來車,識別抬杠') msgMessage = '提示信息:外來車,可入停車場' append_carInfo['isOwner'] = 0 append_carInfo['inDate'] = localtime settings.comeInTime = '進場時間:' + localtime settings.message = msgMessage # 添加信息到車輛表 carInfo_table = carInfo_table.append(append_carInfo, ignore_index=True) # 更新車輛表 pd.DataFrame(carInfo_table).to_excel(path + '停車場車輛表' + '.xlsx', sheet_name='data', index=False, header=True)


        import pygameimport cv2import osimport pandas as pd# 引入自定義模塊from settings import Settingsfrom button import Buttonimport textboardimport procedure_functions as pfdef run_procedure(): # 獲取文件的路徑 cdir = os.getcwd() # 文件夾路徑 path = cdir + ‘/file/’ # 讀取路徑 if not os.path.exists(path + ‘停車場車輛表’ + ‘.xlsx’): # 車牌號 進入時間 離開時間 價格 是否業(yè)主 carnfile = pd.DataFrame(columns=[‘carnumber’, ‘inDate’, ‘outData’, ‘price’, ‘isOwner’, ‘validityDate’]) # 生成xlsx文件 carnfile.to_excel(path + ‘停車場車輛表’ + ‘.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’) carnfile.to_excel(path + ‘停車場歷史表’ + ‘.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’) settings = Settings() # 初始化并創(chuàng)建一個屏幕對象 pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption(‘智能小區(qū)車牌識別系統(tǒng)’) ic_launcher = pygame.image.load(‘images/icon_launcher.png’) pygame.display.set_icon(ic_launcher) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) try: # cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 開啟攝像頭 cam = cv2.VideoCapture(‘file/test.mp4’) except: print(‘請連接攝像頭’) # 循環(huán)幀率設(shè)置 clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True # 開始主循環(huán) while running: screen.fill(settings.bg_color) # 從攝像頭讀取圖片 sucess, img = cam.read() # 保存圖片,并退出。 if sucess: cv2.imwrite(‘images/test.jpg’, img) else: # 識別不到圖片或者設(shè)備停止,則退出系統(tǒng) running = False # 加載圖像 image = pygame.image.load(‘images/test.jpg’) # 設(shè)置圖片大小 image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (640, 480)) # 繪制視頻畫面 screen.blit(image, (2, 2)) # 創(chuàng)建識別按鈕 recognition_button = Button(screen, ‘識別’) recognition_button.draw_button() # 讀取文件內(nèi)容 ownerInfo_table = pd.read_excel(path + ‘住戶車輛表.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’) carInfo_table = pd.read_excel(path + ‘停車場車輛表.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’) history_table = pd.read_excel(path + ‘停車場歷史表.xlsx’, sheet_name=’data’) inNumber = len(carInfo_table[‘carnumber’].values) # 繪制背景 textboard.draw_bg(screen) # 繪制信息標(biāo)題 textboard.draw_text(screen, ‘共有車位:’ + str(settings.total) + ‘ 剩余車位:’ + str(settings.total – inNumber), 680, 0, 20) # 繪制信息表頭 textboard.draw_text(screen, ‘ 車牌號 進入時間’, 700, 40, 15) # 繪制停車場車輛前十條信息 carInfos = carInfo_table.sort_values(by=’inDate’, ascending=False) i = 0 for carInfo in carInfos.values: if i >= 10: break i += 1 textboard.draw_text(screen, str(carInfo[1])+’ ‘+str(carInfo[2]), 700, 40 + i * 30, 15) # 繪制識別信息 textboard.draw_text(screen, settings.carnumber, 660, 400, 15, settings.ocr_color) textboard.draw_text(screen, settings.comeInTime, 660, 422, 15, settings.ocr_color) textboard.draw_text(screen, settings.message, 660, 442, 15, settings.ocr_color) “”” 響應(yīng)鼠標(biāo)事件 “”” pf.check_events(settings, recognition_button, ownerInfo_table, carInfo_table, history_table, path) pygame.display.flip() # 控制游戲最大幀率為 60 clock.tick(60) # 關(guān)閉攝像頭 cam.release()run_procedure()

        上一篇 2022年6月21日 18:13
        下一篇 2022年6月21日 18:13


